Friday, August 13, 2010

Hot Dog Sausage!!!!

4 o'clock. Friday afternoon.

The office is a buzz. There is even a bowl of caramel popcorn in the servery. It's summertime and the weekend is eminent.
The globe is at the most perfect angle to the sun/moon/universe.

I know I said a couple posts back that an official ban has been put on bloggin about men...but I am lifting the ban for a quick second.
Not to talk about men but about my boys, the homies that have made up my posse since I was 12.

Tomorrow afternoon I get to watch one of my best friend's Dad get re-married.

Niall's mom sadly passed away soon after we met in grade 8.

So I have only known the O'Doherty family as being Niall and his two ridiculously amazing siblings, with papa dukes at the helm.

Mr. O'Doherty is your classic, country Irish man who throws the wildest Christmas night party I've ever been to.

The annual event gets started around 10 pm on the night of the 25th.
You are greeted at the door with a shot of Stoli Vodka and a jar to toss your car keys into and it usually ends around 6 AM on the screened in back porch, surrounded by so many faces, some regulars, some you only see on this one night a year, belting out a rowdy, slurry, version of Molly Malone!

It is one of the greatest nights of the year and SO looked forward to by all who attend. And it usually takes me until about New Years Eve to fully recover.

Mr. O'Doherty is the definition of a stand up guy and I couldn't be happier that he has been lucky enough to find love twice in his lifetime.

What makes me almost as giddy as realizing that this kind of luck exists, is thinking about the fact that I get to spend all day tomorrow with my favourite dudes in the world! Eating good food, drinking good drink and dancing our asses off!

For years and years these boys played the most central part to all my plans.
From summer camp to Vans Warped tours to all those nights drinking in elementary school playgrounds.
First day of high school, first day of university, even with me on the day my big brother got married (drunkenly confessing that my speech brought them to tears but that they didn't dare actually cry)

I'm hard pressed to find a meaningful memory that they aren't a part of.

It's so easy to tell my girls that I couldn't live a day without them (and my GOD i don't even want to picture it) but its harder with the boys.

It was easier to drift further from the boys.

Boyfriends get in the way, girlfriends get in the way.

Jobs, distance, travel.

Life comes along and all the sudden you realize that you haven't had a good old fashioned "venga bus" party in a whole year. And that's a crime.

So I hope Papa O'Doherty has hired a DJ with a repertoire that includes at least one Venga Boys song, and if not he better have OMC "How Bizarre" as a back up...or else he is in for a world of pain.

I cannot wait until the wee hours of tomorrow morning, for the sun coming back up over the horizon, and for the sweet, sweet sound of my boys, who are now grown men, screaming "hot dog sausage!!!" into the sky, hoping a hot dog stand will materialize out of thin air.

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